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Kaffe Fassett in the Studio – Behind the Scenes with a Master Colourist includes new quilting and knitting patterns and needlepoint projects.


Kaffe Fassett in the Studio is an in-depth look at the legendary designer’s creative output across multiple practices, including needlework, quilting and knitting, exquisitely photographed by Debbie Patterson.


With a collection of new quilting and knitting patterns and needlepoint projects, as well as never-seen-before photography of his London home, in this latest book, his bold sense of colour and his favourite designs will inspire your own creations at home.


“In my lectures and workshops, participants often ask about my house: can they visit? I have to discourage this – I’d never have time to do my work if I had to entertain visitors! So, I thought I would write a book that attempts to show my creative space and process.  This book aims to satisfy that curiosity about the flow of colour that comes from inside my house.


All textile making is just another way to play with colour that is at the same time deeply therapeutic to do. To sit at the end of my studio, surrounded by yarn or piles of fabric, and dream up a new design is what satisfies my soul.


I’ve been fascinated by the different patterns and colour palettes mingling together in cultures – with that love of pattern, I’ve created strong patterns across multiple practices, including needlepoint, quilting and knitting and invite you into my Colour Lab”.


World renowned artist and textile designer Kaffe Fassett provides a window into his creative process, offering readers new patterns, new ideas, and new inspiration with successes like Dreaming in Color, the latest book from Kaffe Fassett brings together all the best elements of his work and life. Kaffe Fassett in the Studio will offer an in depth look at his work and where he finds inspiration, paying particular attention to his color work. He will also showcase some of his greatest designs in the areas of needlework, patchwork, and knitting, as well as provide three to four new patterns in each of these areas. Lastly, Fassett will speak to his fabric design and painting processes. He remains an icon in the fashion and craft worlds. Fassett’s brilliant use of color sets his work apart from other artists, and any collection of his work is a must have among fans and beyond.


(Item number: AB6260) 

Kaffe Fassett In The Studio Book

SKU: AB6260
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