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Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

This is it: the place where serging begins, and it leads you and your sewing skills to a dynamic future. The Baby Lock Vibrant serger is the perfect introduction to the art and craft of serging, especially for garment sewers who want truly finished edges. With Vibrant, serging isn’t scary – it’s genuinely exciting!

The Baby Lock Vibrant serger's top features include:

  • Easy color-coded threading
  • 4/3/2 thread serging
  • Easy adjustable tension system
  • Retractable thread cutter with push lever
  • Differential feed

Baby Lock Vibrant Serger

$799.00 Regular Price
$399.00Sale Price
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